The Jubilee Count to the End, and 2024-2028

A quote often attributed to Mark Twain says “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for SURE that just ain’t so.” 

This article may tread on your toes if you’re already locked in to believing one of the common interpretations of Daniel Chapter 9 promoted in various churches.

This is significantly different to what you may think you know, that just ain’t so!

Can we calculate the specific year that Christ will return on? Maybe, however the conclusions expressed are subject to change and I’m updating this whenever I think it needs amending!

In a nutshell, the details below reexamine a prophecy in the book of Daniel, that reveals new information that:

1) Shows the correct year of Jesus’ crucifixion.

2) Calculates to the SECOND rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem. (It was prophecied over 2000 years ago, and it comes to the exact year it was rebuilt, LESS than 500 years ago!)

3) Calculates the most likely year for the SECOND COMING of Christ – just a few years from now.

Key Takeaways

* This alternate understanding of Daniel Chapter 9 is building on many study sources and conflicting views, which also need to be examined for a thorough study, before dismissing this as not being correct.

This video is an example of the word studies I’ve considered, where I agree with some parts, and disagree with other parts, such as his rapture interpretation!

For more study, read ’Dating Christ’s Crucifixion’ by Pallant Ramsundar found at Two other sources are Nick VanderLaan, as mentioned on my Unusual Flood page, and Daniel Larimer, referenced above, and in my previous post.

* Although the explanation is complicated, the calculations themselves are fairly simple. You can easily do this arithmetic yourself for verification.

* The 7 x 7 x 70 count up to the fall of Mystery Babylon fits perfectly into all the other uses of 7 throughout the Bible, and is 100% consistent with other usages of this Biblical number.

* You won’t need to wait long to see if all this is true or not!

The Jubilee Count

Some may not realise it, but the Biblical Jubilee pictures the coming reign of Christ, when men are set free from Satan’s bondage. It’s introduced in Leviticus, with various instructions about keeping it. Eg. Lev 25:10.

God’s true Jubilee count occurs every 49 years, see Lev 25:8, not every 50 years, as I and many others have thought in the past.

Each count is a total of 7 times 7, which comes to 49. The fiftieth year occurs on the first year of the NEXT 49 year count.

It’s like saying Sunday is on the eighth day of a 7 day week, but we still count weeks consecutively in 7’s.

Jubilee Years & Daniel’s Prophecy

Daniel 9:25,26 has been translated very poorly. It may have lost clarity going from Aramaic, to Hebrew, to English. as the original may have been written in Aramaic.

I’m not a Hebrew scholar, and you’re welcome to research it yourself. This is the Interlinear for verse 25 (read words in red from right side to left side) :

The numbers in the Hebrew text include 7 and then ‘sevened weeks,’ and then 60, and 2, (word number H8147), but the TWO here probably means a SECOND time, or double, or a second block of 7’s. Examples of Strong’s word H8147 being used to mean double are in Exodus 22:4,7,9 and 2Kings 2:9.

Notice it says again, and two, which could mean repeat, a second time.

For the purpose of understanding the possible meaning, an abbreviated and very rough paraphrase of Dan 9:24, 25, 26 might go something like:

“Seventy weeks are determined for your people. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, unto Messiah the Prince, shall be 70 7’s (or 490 years, which consists of 10 Jubilees that each follow consecutive 49 year counts). Then later, on the 60th Jubilee, add a second group of 7 (another 490 year block making a total of 70 Jubilees in all). The street shall be built AGAIN, and the defensive walls, this time with the plaza (where the temple mount now is), and moat, even in troublous times.”

Add 490 years to the year of the Decree that was given by Artaxerses (Ezra chapter 7), in 457 BC, and we get 33 AD, or it could be 32 AD. That’s because Biblical Jubilee years don’t start or end the same time as ours. They begin on Atonement – See Lev 25:8,9 and 10 and 13. This is very confusing to me, as Exodus 12:2 says the year starts around Passover season.

However, the next verse, Dan 9:26 may (or may not), be saying that Messiah is cut off in the middle of a 7 for the first coming. If I subtract half a week, it is half of the last 7 years, and so, if the above count was correct for 32 AD, that would require subtracting 4 from 32, making 28 AD, which fits this interpretation of the prophecy exactly!

Several of my other research sources, such as the website also estimate that the crucifixion was in 28 AD. It’s backed up by adding 30 to the time of Jesus birth about 4 BC. There are many references to the year of birth, but I’ll just use this wikipedia reference.

Add 30 because that’s the age Jesus started his ministry, see Luke 3:23.

4 BC + 30 = 26 AD, then subtract 1 equals about 25 AD. That calculates to the start of Jesus’ ministry. Then add 3 and a half, and you have the crucifixion date of 28 AD.

Alternatively, some people argue that Jesus only had a 70 week ministry, not 3 1/2 years. If that’s correct, the crucifixion date may still calculate to 28 AD, so far as I can tell, weighing up lots of information from many sources. But that date is less important to establish than which date to calculate the second coming from!

I won’t dwell more on the calculations for Jesus first coming, because you don’t actually need those dates to calculate the approximate date of the SECOND coming. Let’s focus on the calculation for second coming, which calculates to 2028, only four years from now!

The Exact Year?

There’s a countdown clock on the 2028end website. I’m not confident about which day, but let’s continue.

I believe Daniel 9:25 is actually saying that on the 60th Jubilee of the crossing of the Jordan in 1406 BC there will be a second decree to rebuild Jerusalem.

Multiply 49 (the length of a Jubilee period) by 60 and add it to 1406 BC when Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. Also SUBTRACT 1 to account for no year 0.

(The 1406 BC Jordan crossing Jubilee is found in these two offsite links: The Apocryphon of Joshua, Fragment 12 and The Israelites cross the River Jordan – The Bible Journey)

The rebuilding calculation comes to 1536 AD, but may also be 1537 AD, to be the year that rebuilding the walls started. Because a new Jubilee year starts in September or October, if it was after the new year in 1536, then we do have a perfect match for 1537.

That prophecy was fulfilled by “Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent!” who was the ruler of the Ottoman empire at that time.

The command was given in 1535 AD.

Ref. #1 wikipedia date reference here. Was it given before or after October, and does the command matter, or is it the years for building that matter?

Ref. #2 The second building of the wall by Suleiman is mentioned in this video which shows the actual inscription commemorating the rebuilding date, which he places at 1538, but, as above, it seems the command to rebuild was actually given in 1535.

(The relevant part of the video goes between the 2 1/2 minute mark to the 3 1/2 minute mark.)

The fact that there is an exact match in history for a second command to rebuild Jerusalem and it’s walls, in (it looks like) the exact year predicted in Daniel, strongly indicates that the “2 again” in verse 25 in the Interlinear, does, in fact, mean to do a second calculation from the second building of the wall.

Also, if you were to multiply by 50 instead of 49 for consecutive jubilees, there is no match; so this also argues in favour of 49 vs 50 for counting purposes.

The prophecy says to count a second set of 490 years from the 60th Jubilee rebuilding date, and because we got an exact Jubilee match at 1537, we need to count another 490 years to 2027. The Jubilee comes the following year, after the consecutive 49 year counts.

1537 + 490 = 2027 + 1 = 2028

Looking at the prophecy this way, you find an exact match for (1) the crucifixion year, (2) the building of the second wall in 1537, and (3) the return of Jesus exactly 2,000 years after he left.

(I think counting from 1537 is correct. But could you count from the completion of rebuilding, 3 or 4 years later, as referenced in Wikipedia? That could take you to 2030, or 2031.)

Anther Prophecy – Babylon’s Punishment

In Jeremiah 25:12 it says Babylon is to be punished after 70 years, and without reading carefully, it would be natural to link this to the previous verse, in Jer 25:11,

However, this is a dual prophecy, and the second part refers to Mystery Babylon (see Rev 17:5). The word ‘years‘ in Jer 25:12 simply means a division of time, not always single years. Often the division of time is in years, but the division of time in Jer 25:12 is referencing Jubilee divisions of time!

How do I know?

The land was prophecied to be an everlasting waste. Has this fully happened yet? Maybe, but it’s debatable. Hillah, in Iraq, is a modern city of half a million people, and it’s only 11 kilometres away.

The remainder of chapter 25 describes the Lord’s anger with all the nations of the earth. Jer 25:29 and Jer 25:30, 31 says the wicked in all nations will be punished.

Most translations of Jer 25:34 say the shepherds (priests and ministers who prophecy good things to unrepentant people) will roll in ashes, which is descriptive of nuclear war (see previous post explaining this.)

The timing of the ’70 years’ also matches the Daniel 9 prophecy. Let’s calculate when ‘Babylon’ is to be punished, using 70 Jubilee divisions of time (usually translated as 70 years).

After 70 Jubilee Years

Jubilee years are counted starting from when Israel entered the promised land, crossing the Jordan in 1406 BC. Lev 25:1-12. (Again, you can get proof of this date elsewhere.) Which year does counting forward seventy 49 year blocks (as per Jer 25:12) from 1406 BC take us to?

70 x 49 = 3430 years. We must remember to subtract 1 to compensate for there being no year zero. Then I’m adding 1, because the Jubilee itself occurs on years following 49, so we arrive back at adding 3430 to negative 1406 (BC).


Answer: Counting this way, from start to finish, ends in the year 2024 AD, however, I still may have to add 1 again, as I don’t know if the event actually occurs on the year after or not, because the Hebrew calendar may begin the new year in October on Atonement 2024.

Six places in Revelation refer to the end time Babylon in symbolic terms, eg. Rev 17:5, & Rev 18:21. This mystery Babylon can primarily be identified as the USA, or, it may be a well known church! A number of books on this subject provide more details, claiming it’s the USA. The USA is a rich nation. Read Rev 18:11-13. Merchants trade with Babylon by ships. Read Rev 18:17,19. There’s more, but that’s also going down a rabbit trail, so I won’t get into it.

Suffice it to say, when the Bible prophesies about the fall of Babylon in the last days, it’s not really referring to the nation of Iraq. Mystery Babylon may be the USA, or it may include the whole world and it’s political and religious systems that go into tribulation.

The time frame fits into Isa 61:2 which indicates God’s vengeance comes at this Jubilee time period right after Isa 61:1.

Jesus quoted the first half of this in Luke 4:16-20, but he stopped half way through verse 2 before reading ‘the day of vengeance.’

Also, notice Isaiah 61:3 follows immediately after Isa 61:2, and it talks about beauty for ashes. Do the ashes come from a nuclear war?

Both Prophecies, and a Spiritual Entrance

Jubilee years started with a physical entrance into the promised land.

70 Jubilees later brings us to the final period of the Jubilee count, and perhaps when all the 49 year counts are complete (after 7x7x70), we may make a spiritual entrance into our promised land. (Go here for more multiplying by 7 examples.)

Seventy and multiples of seven show the perfection and completeness of God’s timing. If we were to use 50’s to multiply by, then seventy Jubilees would not end soon, but the end would have to come much too far into the future. Because there are so many other indications that show we are at the end of this age, it validates the timing.

I still have more details to clarify. But Revelation 10:7, ‘when the mystery of God should be finished,‘ surely includes the punishment of Mystery Babylon and Jesus’ return very soon.

If you’ve followed me through all this, you may be wondering how there can be two different end dates, both based on the Jubilee counting method.

They may both be correct!

Couldn’t God’s word give us a count to Jesus’ return, plus a count to the time of great tribulation for Babylon, or for the world, about 3 1/2 years before? Matthew 24:21, 22 and the whole of Matthew 24 tells you that this is something to watch for, and Matt 24:44 says to be ready… Jesus indicated that the time of his coming would be close to a time of nuclear war, which is an extinction event!

Luke 21:26 is also an end time Scripture.

My guestimate – and it’s only a guess, and may be totally wrong, is that October 2024 will be a very significant month for end-time world events to occur. Seven months later (another 7) in April 2025 the two witnesses may begin a three and a half year countdown (Rev 11:3), and then, September 2028 is a possible date for Christ to return… This is only a guess that I’m making now, months away. It could come and go, with nothing happening. — On the other hand, the timing shows we are somewhere close to the verge of fulfillment for all end time Bible prophecies, and perhaps they may be fulfilled sooner than we think!


This video from the Redacted YouTube channel confirms the current situation.


  1. Thank you for the above.

    I think you found the Jubilee where we can establish a date going back and forward.

    Robert, “Add 490 years to the year of the Decree that was given by Artaxerses, in 457 BC, and we get 33 AD.”

    “60th Jubilee of the crossing of the Jordan in 1406 BC there will be a second decree to rebuild Jerusalem. Multiply 49 (the length of a Jubilee period) by 60 and add it to 1406 BC when Israel crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land.”

    “The rebuilding calculation comes to 1536 AD, but may also be 1537 AD, to be the year that rebuilding the walls started. Because a new Jubilee year starts in September or October, if it was after the new year in 1536, then we do have a perfect match for 1537.”


    • Continuing…

      You wrote, “Messiah is cut off in the middle of a 7.”

      I think the Prophetic Week is 7 days. That’s 7 years.

      He was cut off (sacrificed) in the middle of this Prophetic week.

      Ministry as Lamb of God was 3.5 years. Ministry began either John’s baptism or walking out of desert. Either is the same Hebrew year. I think Ministry began with proclamation by John with baptism.

      Ministry ended at His Ascension, which was 10 days before Shavuot. Shavuot is a 49 day count. He ascended 10 days before Shavuot. That seems to be important. He departs 40th day .

      Jubilee (49/50 day from resurrection to Shavuot) is a mini 49 yeas count. The end of the 49 count is time of rejoicing.

      Deut 16:9-11, “You shall count seven weeks. Begin to count the seven weeks from the time the sickle is first put to the standing grain. Then you shall keep the Feast of Weeks to the LORD your God with the tribute of a freewill offering from your hand, which you shall give as the LORD your God blesses you. And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God.”


      • Again, I think you’ve got the Jubilee year. Both 1409BC and rebuilding of wall are the key you found. The wall rebuild date is a very significant find. I’m just contributing with my thinking that 2028 is a very, very significant year.

        I think His sacrifice occurred April 3, 33AD.

        Working back from 33AD to His conception then birth. His life on earth begins at immaculate conception. As you know, there’s no year 0.

        I used Stellarium and the “star” – formed by the conjunction of Jupiter (King planet) with Regulus (King star) in the constellation Leo (lion – King of Judah), during the week of Feasts of Tabernacles between September 10 -17, 3 BC.

        The immaculate conception occurred one day during this week of 3BC.

        Feasts of Tabernacles conception occurs, because life begins at conception. He began to dwell with us in Mary’s womb. This life in womb is just like cousin John the Baptist In Elizabeth’s womb. Along with reading Hebrew word meanings of Psalm 110:3 and the account of Jeremiah’s womb experience. Womb in Hebrew is both mom’s belly and spiritual matrix. Jesus life began in womb, 3BC. Sign in heaven gives testimony.

        Conception during Tishri 3BC then 9 months later 17th of Tammuz “Emmanuel” was born. Mary gave birth on 17th of Tammuz 2 BC. The star on this date is seen with the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter below the constellation Leo, birth. I can’t attached screenshot on this conjunction

        Birth day year count begins with 1 year old Jesus on 17th Tammuz, 1BC.

        Practical purposes:
        1 yr old 1BC, 17th Tammuz (June/July)
        2 yrs old 1AD (June/July)
        3 yrs old 2AD…
        33 yrs old on Nisan 14, 33AD (April 3) before His 34th birthday (June/July) 33AD.

  2. You wrote, “If I subtract half a week, it is half of the last 7 years, and so, if the above count was correct for 32 AD, that would require subtracting 4 from 32, making 28 AD, which fits this interpretation of the prophecy exactly!”

    I think His ministry of 3.5 years as Lamb of God was “cut off” because the Lamb was slain in middle of His Prophetic week.

    Nisan 14, 33AD – 3.5 years of Ministry = 29.5AD
    He began ministry in the year 29AD. Therefore, His rule/reign (3.5 yrs) as King completes His Prophetic week (7 years).

    I think think He will return as King, ruling 3.5 years then comes the end, fulfilling what He didn’t read from Isaiah. He read Isaiah 61:1-2a, stopping His reading in mid-sentence. Full stop. Very significant, strategic reading.

    Isaiah 61:2b-3, “And the day of vengeance of God; To comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.”


    • Cross Reference, 2nd Thessalonians 1:5-12 ~

      “This is a plain indication of Jehovah’s righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the Kingdom , for which indeed you are suffering.

      For after all it is only just for [Jehovah] to repay with [θλίψις; tribulation] those who [like a goat gnaw] you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted…when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out [ἐκδίκησις; vengeance, Isaiah 61:2b] to those who do not know [Jehovah] and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

      These (weeds, thorns, chaff) will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the (Jesus) and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed—.”

      At the 7th and last Trumpet, we’re changed, taken up and He presents us to Father God. We don’t know that day or hour. Only when Father says, You’ve completed the assignment from the beginning. There’s now 1 Kingdom and sin/death, kingdom of darkness is no more.

      Back to your 2028. Continuing…

  3. The other method to apply is Fig Tree Parable, which supports your 2028.

    UN Proclamation: Sat, 29 November 1947 = 16th of Kislev, 5707
    Independents Day: 14 May 1948 = 5th Lyar 5708

    Hebrew Year 5708 ~ Israel as Fig Tree established growing.

    Generation is 70 or by strength 80, then we fly away (Psalm 90).

    70 years after Fig Tree (5708) there was a significant sign in heavens on a Hebrew Sabbath Shuvah, Sept 23, 2017.

    2017 Sign Message: “Return to Me” (Hosea 14).

    What about 80 years?
    Fig Tree year 5708 + 80yrs = 5788 (2028).

    I then apply Feast of Trumpets, Tishri 1 Sept 9, 2028 (5788) – 3.5 yrs to end up at March 30, 2025.

    I think and believe He’s return is as soon as one day in 2028 to begin His last 3.5 years, when He applies what He didn’t read from Isaiah.
    His 1st year of business is vengeance upon them not us. Starts moment He arrives on Mt. Olives.

    But, I’m expecting world event to get more intense, beginning this Hebrew calendar year (5784), which began April 8, 2024.

    There’s 2 significant sign in the heavens next 2 years.
    Both occur on 9th of Av. 9th of Av is a very significant date in Hebrew history.

    August 13, 2024. ~ Conjunction of Jupiter / Mars, in Taurus.
    Taurus represents congregation of the judge; the coming judge.

    Next 9th of Av sign is too complex to explain in this reply. But, it occurs August 3, 2025.

    I’m expecting significant events to occur sometime after August 2024. Maybe events become very intense after August 2025. 9th of Av is a big anniversary date for trouble.

    Bottom line: I agree with you that 2028 is very, very significant.
    Either subtract 3.5 from 2028 or add 3,5 years to 2028.

    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Yes, adding or subtracting 3.5 from 2028 seems significant, so I’m not dismissing it!

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