Classic evolution theory would have you believe that millions of years of gradual development of eggs eventually produced a chicken. Or is it the other way around?
If you don’t know which came first, the chicken or the egg, you’ve been fooled!
It should be obvious to anyone that this could never have actually happened. Birds, and eggs, had to get it right the very first time they evolved— On the very first try — on the first go.
If it didn’t work out perfectly the first time, then the bird race would have died out.
They would not have survived more than one generation if you had partly formed chickens or birds trying to hatch out of partly formed non-functional eggs.
The very first time it happened, if an egg didn’t produce a fully functioning creature capable of laying perfect eggs from then on, the whole evolutionary process would have stalled. It would have ground to a halt. It would not have, and could not have continued.
Evolutionists might answer this by claiming I am trivialising the issue, and over simplifying a complicated process.
I agree.
So, in order to make my point clearer, let’s talk about something more complicated:
Instead of two stages, butterflies go through four stages in their life cycle.
1) egg
2) caterpillar
3) chrysalis
4) adult butterfly
How did the first butterflies develop these stages?
In order to survive, butterflies had to get this formula right on the very first go, or else they would not have survived. There wouldn’t be any butterflies at all, if they couldn’t do it right the very first time.
Think it through.
When a caterpillar turns to mush inside a chrysalis, how come a butterfly pops out afterwards? Why doesn’t a grasshopper pop out instead? Or maybe a cockroach?
Plus here’s a real problem for evolution. Because BUTTERFLIES don’t mate with CATERPILLARS, but mate with other BUTTERFLIES, the female butterfly must first find a male butterfly in order to mate and then lay eggs. So at least TWO caterpillars had to evolve into COMPLETED butterflies at the same time for this process to work.
Starting from scratch (because of the cycle of reproduction problem, it can’t have been over millions of years, but about the same time) , BOTH had to
- start as mysteriously mutated eggs,
- hatch into caterpillars,
- each make a chrysalis, and then
- magically come out as reproductively viable butterflies.
- One had to come out with the fully completed abilities of a male, and the other had to come out with the fully completed and functioning abilities of a female, able to pass the same genes to her offspring from then on!
Their average life cycle may be a few weeks, or in some cases a few months, so if this reproduction didn’t happen correctly on the very first try for BOTH PAIR, AT AROUND THE SAME TIME, then the whole process of butterfly continuation and survival could not have occurred in the first place.
If it didn’t happen with the whole cycle perfected for both male and female on the first try, please explain how they gradually evolved with only partially formed abilities for reproduction.
That’s so important, I’m going to say it again:
Please explain how they g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y evolved with only partially formed abilities for reproduction.
I want to repeat this a third time, because the possibility or impossibility of any evolution of butterflies hinges on this point:
Please explain how they gradually evolved with only partially formed, and therefore NON-FUNCTIONING, abilities for reproduction.
You can’t explain it because it didn’t happen.

Think this through. After mating, the female has to have, within its makeup, the ability to lay eggs that contain the blueprint for the whole cycle to repeat all over again.
Realise that if it didn’t happen perfectly with at least two butterflies of the opposite sex evolving at the same time the very first time, with both containing a blueprint within them for the next generation of butterflies to continue – if this didn’t happen they would NOT have kept on keeping on.
At this point, if you don’t fully get this, you're not far from believing in magic.
A butterfly cannot come into existence without the previous stages, going back to eggs. Nor can the eggs develop into future stages over a long period because A COMPLETE CYCLE MUST BE PRESENT TO PRODUCE THE NEXT GENERATION.
Without all stages there can be no future eggs.
- Eggs don't mate in order to reproduce.
- Caterpillars don't mate in order to reproduce.
- Chrysalis don't mate in order to reproduce.
Only the butterfly mates in order to reproduce.
Any two butterflies ready for reproduction cannot have developed up to this stage in a single generation because the amount of mutation needed to go from egg to butterfly in a single generation is impossible.
Progressive stages of evolution would require a complete reproductive cycle, but the gap between egg to butterfly does not allow for progressive evolution. Remember
- Eggs don't mate.
- Caterpillars don't mate.
- Chrysalis don't mate.
Only the end product - the butterfly, does. So how did TWO individual butterflies get to the last stage without going through the previous stages, and then mate?
How did they achieve it in only one generation?
either butterflies don't exist, or they were created without evolution.
There are many other flaws in the evolution fairy tale.
For instance, evolution lacks any example of one animal kind ever having evolved into another animal kind. There are no missing links. Claimed missing links are merely speculation, and others, like Piltdown man and Archaeorapto, are proven fraud. Also radiometric dating is false science. See this offsite link.
Or how about irreducible complexity? That puts a spanner in the works for evolution, because accidental incremental evolution makes no sense, as thousands of successive small modifications of very complicated biological systems would have no purpose without an advanced design in mind in the first place, and less complicated systems could not function!
Which came first, the heart, or blood vessels?
How could either one of these, without the other, possibly evolve?
Animals need a heart, or they don’t.
A half-evolved heart won’t do the job at all!
If you’ve ever glued together a model aeroplane, or screwed together a garden shed, or assembled any Ikea furniture, you know it’s impossible for those things to just come together by themselves. How much more impossible for the whole universe to assemble itself?
COMPLEX human or animal abilities like eyesight or reproduction could never have gradually evolved by chance.
Did a blind organism just somehow know in advance that if it kept adding certain eyesight components to its body, thousands of years later it would eventually develop eyes and see?
This is nonsense!
Evolution theory is a faith based religion for people trying to run away from God.
You really only need to disprove one thing 100% (as I’ve done with butterflies) and the whole evolution ‘house of cards’ collapses.

You’ve been fooled!
Are the scales of deception beginning to fall from your eyes?
Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ THEORY of evolution is not true. It never has been true.
The theory of evolution is for mental caterpillars.
It’s time to grow up! Why be a mental caterpillar? Why not grow up, transform your thinking, and learn to fly instead?
How great a genius would you be if YOU created everything? Now, how impossible is it for NOTHING to create everything?
Do you really want to know the answer to the “which came first, chicken or egg” question?
The Bible tells you by implication which came first. It was the chicken.
The chicken came first, fully formed with a well designed reproductive system already built into it. God also created a fully formed man first, not an embryo first. God created all creatures fully formed to start with, using this same principle, including birds, chickens and butterflies.
By the way, the same people who believe in evolution have found that eggs can’t be produced without the protein ovocledidin-17 in the chickens’ ovaries, which also shows chickens came first, and they cannot have evolved!
Here’s a poem I wrote several years ago. Even though you may not like poetry, check it out!
Tiny Wing
How pretty, is a butterfly
On pastel powder wings,
It flutters through the scented air
Unlike lower mortal things
How beautiful, a butterfly
It doesn’t have to wait,
It flutters past oblivious
To worry fear and hate
How perfect, is a butterfly
Such a lovely, wondrous thing!
What a complex marvel of creation
In just one tiny wing
How transient, a butterfly
Painted flower on the breeze,
It flutters past unnoticed
It dies, and no one sees.
–Rob Binnion

Now that together, using irrefutable logic, you and I have disproved the theory of evolution, the next step is to prove that the Bible is TRUE!
I do that on this next page: CLICK HERE.

Chicken photo by Pixaboy from Pexels
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