Author: admin

Stop Trusting Governments, and Develop Your Individual Sovereignty and Identity

Let me give you an example of misplaced trust from recent history.

Do you know about Jim Jones People’s Temple cult?

In 1974 Jim Jones ran a busy and thriving church community of devotees within the United States before he transferred it to Guyana, where four years later he persuaded 918 members of the group to all drink cyanide poisoned soft drink and die!

In the beginning that community seemed pretty good. Here’s a direct quote from one of the members after they moved to Guyana. “It was a vibrant community. I would never have imagined that 24 hours later they would all be dead.”

Jim Jones became increasingly paranoid over time. He was a controlling church leader who called all the shots.

He called his church the People’s Temple (a temple is meant to be a place where God dwells)– The big problem with Jim’s temple was that Jim Jones ruled instead of God.

Satan the devil was behind the cult leader Jim Jones when he took his people’s church to Guyana and had them commit mass suicide in Jonestown 43 years ago. Satan was behind it, but God allowed it. I think it was allowed as a lesson to all. The lesson is that corrupt government is the RESULT, when people follow people, instead of God. In fact I believe that’s one of the main lessons God has been teaching this whole world for the last 6000 years.

It’s time for the majority of people to wake up.


Do you trust your church leaders? Do you trust your government? Do you trust in medical science? Do you trust the main stream media?

People trusted Jim Jones.

Today, people trust in their government, they trust in medical health authorities, and they believe whatever else they’ve been taught at school, even if critical thinking disproves it. The Bible says people trust in broken cisterns – Jeremiah 2:13.

A majority of people have faith in modern science to save them from Corona virus using unproven ‘vaccines.’ Could modern science and modern medicines have become their RELIGION? – Is the ‘god’ they trust in, the Chief Health Officer, who has become their high priest?

Are they sold out to the ‘magic arts’ practised by the drug companies?

The Bible says in Revelation 18:23 that “by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” The word sorceries is translated from the Greek word pharmakeia. It means the use of magic arts by administrating poisons and drugs. This applies to current vaccinations.

It says at the end of this age ALL NATIONS will trust in “pharmakeia” and be deceived.

Many governments are forcing people to take ‘vaccines’ without offering people INFORMED consent. People are NOT informed, as they are often forced to receive a MYSTERY, without transparency as to exactly what the injections contain.

Governments enforce this using the excuse that it’s for the ‘common good.’ However the common individual has his or her rights trampled on when those responsible are protected from liability and legal responsibility for any and all adverse effects that may arise.

This is highly immoral and unethical.


Not enough people got on lifeboats before the Titanic sank.

Leaving the sinking ship

Yes, I know the theory that they swapped the real Titanic for its sister ship, the Olympic as an insurance scam, but I’m not getting into that conspiracy here, except to say, if so, it’s even more relevant to use for a metaphor of this world, because so many things in this world are also fake.

This whole world is like the Titanic, and It Has ALREADY Begun To SINK.

Here’s Why

It’s because too many people trust corrupt pharmaceutical companies and corrupt governments, and leaders drunk with power, who are mostly paid liars, who DO NOT have your welfare at heart.

Is this true or not true? Follow the money, and decide for yourself.

God is looking for people who trust His principles of love, truth, and freedom… NOT deception, lies, and corruption!

Those who trust in corrupt governments and Big Pharma are on a SIN-KING ship, with problems that will soon overwhelm them! When you fail to leave a sinking ship that’s going down like the Titanic, you will perish with it.

As the following video shows, looking at history, many passengers failed to leave the sinking ship in time.

We have two choices. We can continue to trust corrupt governments, big pharma, and this worlds systems, or we can follow the advice given in Revelation 18:4.

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Coming out of this world means doing your own research, and then following wherever that leads.

UPDATE: Vaccine Side Effects

17 MILLION Covid 19 excess deaths (murders), have now been caused by the VACCINES, at least, according to this mid-2024 study:

Watch any videos from Vernon Coleman at – he’s the most banned doctor in the world…

Doing your own research means putting in the time needed, and no longer following blindly whatever the majority may say or do.

When you realise the extant of the covid vaccine injection side effects, which are still ongoing…
you will not disagree with Revelation 22:15 which puts those who promote the vaccines (the sorcerers/Greek word pharmakeia/meaning those who administer poisons) in the same sentence, and on the same level as liars and murderers.
People who didn’t take the vaccine were not ‘vaccine hesitant,’ they were ‘vaccine educated.’ They had learned to think for themselves

Many educated people realise that several of the major vaccine companies persistently and habitually engage in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results, with concealments bigger than any iceberg the Titanic may have struck!

But I’m not only talking about the vaccine.

According to Matthew 24 and Revelation 6 what comes next is war, famine, disease, and death.

If you take the Revelation 18:4 advice, you will abandon the sinking ship that is this world. Unlike the majority of people, when you think for yourself you will not take the Kool-Aid, and you will do whatever is needed to literally save your life – perhaps physically or perhaps eternally.

As prophecy advances, more and more people will soon be looking for a place of safety from the troubles to come. There is such a place!

Find out about it here

or check my MENU for additional content.



Several years before secret weather warfare (or perhaps global warming – choose your own explanation) gave us daily weather disasters, I prayed about a light shower of rain, and called it a flood. This was the result…

I’m reprinting this newspaper image under Section 107 of the Copyright Act that allows FAIR USE for comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research

Why It Was a Miracle

This was the front page newspaper headline that confronted me the morning after a flood hit the Gold Coast, way back in mid-2005.

The heavy downpour was not forecast by the weather bureau and was entirely unexpected.

The flood of rain continued unabated for exactly one day, from about 3 pm to about 3 pm.

It occurred immediately after I studied online information, and then prayed about the Bible timeline that precedes Jesus Christ’s return.

Some of my study material included information about “1000-YEAR DAYS.”

Moments before the downpour started, I noticed a few light drops of rain. Then in a whimsical moment, I told God in prayer that this light sprinkle of rain represented the flood of truth He was giving me in my study of Bible chronology and timing.

I said ‘Amen’ to my prayer.

The very instant after saying Amen, some awareness made me look to the ceiling, when suddenly, unexpectedly, an extremely heavy and continuous 24 hour downpour of rain THUNDERED loudly onto the noisy decramastic roof above, shocking me into an awareness that this was no ordinary event!

The chances of having an UNFORECAST, exact one day, ‘1 in 1000 year’ flood happen randomly, the EXACT SECOND after saying Amen from studying and praying about ‘1 in 1000 year days’, after declaring the LIGHT shower of rain to metaphorically BE a FLOOD, and then reading the ‘1 in 1000 year’ newspaper headline the next day, are IMPOSSIBLE.

Can you see why this newspaper headline seemed special to me?

Proclaiming this flood, when there was ZERO indication of any flood happening, being entirely unpredicted by the weather bureau, was the most astonishing miracle of my life. Then, with the newspaper headline also saying specifically that it was 1 in 1000 years, the day after, made it a double miracle for me.

Although I cannot prove this full sequence of events to anyone, I have no intention of denying it either.

Continue reading

Did Jesus Prophecy Worldwide Lockdowns?

Did you know Luke 21:25 in the Bible can be alternatively translated to reference worldwide LOCKDOWNS?!

The lockdowns we’ve had over the past few years reveal exactly where we are now in the timeline of Bible prophecy.

The usual way to read Luke 21:25 is in the KJV translation. Luke quotes Jesus speaking about the end of this age:

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and UPON THE EARTH DISTRESS OF NATIONS, WITH PERPLEXITY; the sea and the waves roaring”

Note the word distress, from Thayer Definition = “a holding together” – συνόχηsunochē Phonetic: soon-okh’-ay

Strong’s Concordance G4928 DISTRESS,

Root word from Strong’s G4912; RESTRAINT, that is, (figuratively) anxiety: – anguish, distress.

From dictionary: RESTRAINT noun

1a. The act of restraining:

b. The condition of being restrained, especially the condition of losing one’s freedom.

2a. An influence that inhibits or restrains:

b. A device or other means of restraining movement:

3. Control of the expression of one’s feelings;


1. The threat or use of force to prevent, restrict, or dictate the action or thought of others.

2. The state of being restricted or confined within prescribed bounds:

3. One that restricts, limits, or regulates; a check:

Jesus prophecied the end of this age would include LOCKDOWNS

“UPON THE EARTH DISTRESS OF NATIONS” can be understood as the RESTRAINTS, CONSTRAINTS or the LOCKDOWNS and VIRUS PASSPORTS being implemented by the world’s governments. Notice that the RESTRAINTS, CONSTRAINTS or the LOCKDOWNS and VIRUS PASSPORTS would have to result in “PERPLEXITY.” The root word of “perplexity” in Thayer Definition:

1) to be without resources, to be in straits, to be left wanting, to be embarrassed, to be in doubt, not to know which way to turn

2) to be at a loss with one’s self, be in doubt

3) not to know how to decide or what to do, to be perplexed.

Here is an accurate, legitimate alternative translation of Luke 21:25

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars,

and across the earth, LOCKDOWNS of nations,

without resources, being in straits, being left wanting, the sea and the waves roaring.” (This is both literal and figurative. Read more about the word ‘sea’ as a metaphor here.)

You can read onwards to Luke 21:26, 27, 28. if you like.

During the worldwide lockdowns, people have not only been physically restrained. They have also lost many freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom to work, freedom to enter many public places and shops, loss of freedom involving freedom to run businesses, and medical freedom involving freedom of conscience.

As Jesus forecast, it easily fits the description of “distress of nations with perplexity.”

Of course, lockdowns are by no means the only interpretation of these verses.

God knows world events in advance (see Isaiah 46:10), therefore the application of this prophecy to recent events is valid. However, “distress of nations with perplexity” will take on other forms as Jesus’ prophecy continues to unfold… War, weather disasters, control of food supplies, the mark of the beast enforcement, and a one-world government are all coming soon!

According to Jesus prophecy, when you see ‘restraint of nations’ this world has reached it’s “Use by” date!

Revelation 18:8 plus the rest of the chapter, describe the ongoing fall of modern day ‘Babylon’ and the systems of this world.

Like the Titanic, this world is on a collision course to disaster.

Click here to learn what comes next


Mask illustration by James Stephen. Parts of this information have been sourced, with permission, from

This is How the Pyramids Were Built


I’m updating this post, because the headline gives a false impression that I want to correct here. The headline should say this is just one part of solving the mystery. However it’s still interesting…

The following explains how many of the large stone blocks were lifted.


I get indignant every time I think about how the mainstream media miseducates people (especially regarding evolution) and suppresses so much truth.

It’s difficult to sort the truth from so many lies.

There is another video from Joe Kirby… Joe has a style that irritates me quite a bit. It’s not my thing, so I’m just going to put a LINK HERE.
I’ve included it because Joe also comes to the same conclusion!

Continue HERE

The Amazing Results of Adding a Little Bit Extra

The other day my wife and I tided our bedroom in preparation for putting our house on the market.

I took a photo. Here it is.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is bed-before-1-1024x768.jpg

After this, my wife discovered that it looked better when she put something extra on the bed – a red blanket.

I took another photo. Here it is.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is inside-bed-master-1-1024x768.jpg

What a difference something extra made!

And it was so simple.

This made me think. How easy is it to add something extra?

It could make all the difference. If you’re making a meal, you really should add that extra little bit of garnish to the plate.

If you’re giving a gift, it probably is worth putting a ribbon on the box.

If you’re writing a story, leave it for a few days, and then come back and add something extra for a finishing touch. I did this with my quotes article here. The final quote didn’t quite fit, but it added some extra life. Don’t you agree?

So, perhaps you’re going to a nice restaurant. Why not wear a tie? …Not your style. I get that… But, is there something you could add that makes it a little bit more special for the people you’re mixing with?

Who knows, just that bit of extra attention, or an additional longer look into your loved ones eyes could brighten their whole evening.

As W. Clement Stone wrote in “The Success System That Never Fails” 

“Little hinges swing big doors.”

In 2019 St. John Properties handed out $10 million in bonuses to their employees. That was a nice surprise. But it’s not what I’m talking about, because it doesn’t have to cost you big time.

It can be something as little as an extra cherry on top of the cake.

Little things do matter.

Who doesn’t like it when they service your car, and they add tyre black to the tyres at no extra charge? But you don’t have to add extra for commercial advantage. You can just do it for the fun of it.

Add extra for your own satisfaction. Give it some thought.

It makes sense.

If you’re selling your house, why not add that extra blanket?

Feeling Blue? I’ve Been There Too

Depression, loneliness, despair.
Most people have been there —

Sorry, the rhymes were meant to start further down.

Inside Bus

Let’s look at what you can you do,
when you’re feeling blue.

Sorry again! I think I’d better get all the poetry out of the way first.

Here goes:


Today I could take a holiday
And visit somewhere nice.
Maybe take the bus to Burleigh
(Avoiding Surfers Paradise).

I’d go down by the sea
Where the breeze blows on my face,
And then buy a cup of coffee
In a certain lonely place.

Then walk up to the bluff lookout
To see the blue sea, blue sky sights.
And stare down at the rocks
From dizzy, dangerous heights.

Burleigh Bluff

And I’d consider all the seagulls
And I’d make my mind up not to fall.
They fly around forever.
But I don’t fly at all.

Then… I’d walk back to the bus stop
Feeling hardly any pain.
Some days, I take a bus to nowhere
Then I come back home again.

As you may be able to tell, I can relate to feeling blue.

I’ve had years of unemployment with no car and a bad back…

I’ve been married three times, divorced twice, with my second marriage lasting only two weeks. We had a great honeymoon. Immediately afterwards, this beautiful lady sent me out on an errand, then dumped all my furniture and things on the pavement outside the unit, and when I returned she told me I couldn’t come back inside – all without any argument or warning!

It broke my heart…

Although I’ve lived in a mansion, I’ve also lived in substandard housing, with cockroaches crawling over me when they came out of every crevice overnight, even after using insect spray bombs!

I know what it’s like to feel deeply lonely and depressed.

Before I talk about what you can do to shake the blues, here’s what not to do.

Don’t commit suicide, fast or slow… don’t take drugs, don’t take booze, and don’t throw your life away.

Whatever doesn’t build you up will generally tear you down, so don’t be stupid.

Excluding medical help, which is totally outside the scope of this article, here are


1) Change your scenery or location

2) Change your plan

3) Change your thinking

4) Get Supernatural help!

A change of scenery may only be a temporary fix, as illustrated in my poem. But it may help, because it can change your mood and give you time to reevaluate things. Sometimes stuff just takes time to work through. As the Bible says, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

A change of plan You need hope, and having a plan can give you hope. You need to get a vision for yourself of what could be, not what is. Again, to quote the Bible, where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) There are lots of books about goal setting, and they might help, but just ask yourself, What’s the next step I can take in order to make things better? That’s how you begin to make a plan. Take it from there.

A change of thinking Negative thinking will take you deeper into depression. Although your thinking may seem like it’s on autopilot, you can steer your thoughts if you really want to – your thoughts are actually choices you’re making! So – begin by refusing to dwell on any negative thoughts and choose to focus on the things you can do to make your life better. Be thankful for every asset you have. It may take a little effort to change your thought habit patterns, but it works better than any pill in the long run.

Bible quote time: In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God. (1 Thes. 5:18)

And another one: Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)

Finally, the book of Jeremiah has a reputation for being negative, yet it also has positive messages. Here’s a verse worth noting:

Jer 29:11 I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE. (ISV)

God can work in your life also, to give YOU a future and a hope.

Supernatural Help

You can also beat the blues and change your life by moving up to a higher level of existence. This involves leaning on God for help. If you are in a dry, empty place, you can lean on God to help you. I’ve written more about this on my page about How to be Safe in a Time of Trouble.

Change your thinking, change your mindset, and you can change your life, especially with Supernatural help.

If you do find yourself on a bus to nowhere, make sure you get home safely.

More about my background

In 1988 I wrote this poem about Australia’s bicentenary:


Here’s to the lucky country
Here’s to the land of beers
And all that water under the bridge
Now we’ve come 200 years.

As Australians individually
A few of us are sus’
But as a nation on the whole
There are no flies on us!

We have our flags and anthems
Our fauna, and our birds
Our dingoes and our yowies
Our drongos, and our nerds.

But, I’m proud to be Australian
Proud of our tall gum trees
And 200 years of history
Tho’ I come from overseas!

Actually, this is not true… I’m actually 100% Australian by birth.

Also, I’m NOT proud of Australia’s history, or Australia’s lying politicians!


I’ve had some great life experiences and opportunities.

I’ve owned several cars and houses, and mainly lived in Victoria and Queensland. I’ve travelled to Asia as well, living in Thailand for 3 months.

This is me in Asia.

And here are some
shots I took
of transportation
in Asia.

One of my hobbies is photography,

and turning photography into art.

Some photos are skill, others are luck. The ancient Greeks considered dolphins to be a sign of good luck. Then again, some people think the number 7 is good luck. In 2019 I photographed both items of luck together. Seven dolphins in one wave.

It was just a lucky shot!

This is one of my favourite photo-art creations.

I’ll finish with another poem:

     He Is Greeted Well

Exhausted by the extended heat
My dusty feet, tramping, through gumtree roots and bush
– Tired leaves hanging,
– Shoulders drooping
I’m slowing. Wilting

Reviving though, at the sight of something
In the distance, beckoning. A red tin roof
I’m coming. To a little dot across the valley
Walking faster. Hurrying.

No gate, no fence, only
Veranda steps and lonely. Empty rooms that greet me
But I’m SO happy now to be
In one piece –


Click here for Why Suffering, and Why Were You Born?

Is the Bible a True and Accurate Guide for your Life?

The Bowing King

The above image of Middle Eastern geography, called The Bowing King, IS fanciful, and many people have highly questionable ideas and opinions about Christ and the Bible that are hard to prove.

But does that do away with all solid evidence proving the Bible as a whole IS TRUE?


However, there are many misconceptions people have. The first is that most people tend to get the actual teachings of the Bible mixed up with large man made churches and religions that call themselves Christian, but are usually not, as they are counterfeits of the truth.

The second barrier to believing the Bible is attitude. This is illustrated well by Michael Rood in the video below. When you watch it, go to the 9 minute mark, and play from there to see this. I can’t say it better myself.

Michael Rood may be wrong on a few issues, but NOT This One! I’ve used this video because he tells a good story here. Let truth be your guide, and only truth. It doesn’t matter what other people think, fanciful or otherwise…

There are really only two choices. Either everything was created and DESIGNED by God, who had NO beginning, or everything came from nothing!

WE DID NOT EVOLVE, PERIOD! …Read my article here.

The laws of the universe prove this.

The laws themselves didn’t just explode from a single particle. Original thermodynamic energy came from God, who is not a physical being, and cannot be understood in physical terms. God had NO BEGINNING. (Psalm 93:2) Your throne has been established since time immemorial; you are king from eternity [ISV], [-from everlasting. [KJV])

There are many different ways to prove the Bible.

Here are some of them.

Mathematical Proof

The complexities of the very first verse of the Bible are probably more than you have realised. Watch this to see what I mean.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

This first verse is talking about a being who existed before everything else we know existed. And the verse itself is beyond human abilities to match. In the Hebrew this verse has seven words that consist of 28 letters. But within that sentence there are at least 30 patterns of seven. Watch the video above for some examples, and also check to verify the Hebrew numbering that is charted.

The Bible says God declares the end from the beginning, Isa 46:10. The 28 letters in this first verse are the first hint in the Bible that Jesus will most likely return in 2028. (You will read more about 2028 here, plus I’ve another ‘hint’ section below.)

God has numbered many works and thoughts

I found a matching verse when I did a search, using the exact words above, in my MySword phone app. Their free download page is here.

For fun, I also searched “the number of the Lord is seven” and I found a verse to match.

Then I searched “the number is seven” and found seven verses in the entire Bible!

A screenshot of the verses that would fit on my phone is shown here.

I was just having fun, and it may not prove anything really. But here’s a video with 7 proofs that something absolutely supernatural IS going on with number 7 in the Bible:

How about searching for what is the number of everything contained in a King James Bible?

I’m not saying to watch it all, but this 1 hour and 52 minute video below does this, and the result comes to exactly 7x7x7x7x7x7x7, or seven to the power of seven.

How many other documents just happen to total 7 to the power of 7, exactly or even approximately?

The Bible is a supernatural book, FULL of SEVENS

The Bible SAYS the words of the Lord are refined seven times. Psalm 12:6

In the creation account, in Genesis Chapter 1, God spoke a total of 343 words.

That’s 7×7×7 words, or 7 to the power of 3.

In the Bible, 3 symbolizes that which is REAL (if you need to research more, you can look up Bullinger’s ‘Number in Scripture’, and go to the chapter for number 3 here.)

In the first chapter there are explanatory sentences to give context to the words God spoke. But count up the number of words that God Himself actually spoke:

Genesis 1:3 = 4 words in KJV “Let there be light“

Genesis 1:6 = 20 words in KJV “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters“

Genesis 1:9 = 18 words in KJV “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear“

Genesis 1:11 = 27 words in KJV “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth“

Genesis 1:14-15 = 49 words in KJV “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth“

Genesis 1:20 = 26 words in KJV “Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven“

Genesis 1:22 = 18 words in KJV “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth“

Genesis 1:24 = 23 words in KJV “Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind“

Genesis 1:26 = 47 words in KJV “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth“

Genesis 1:28 = 37 words in KJV “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth“

Genesis 1:29-30 = 74 words in KJV “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat“

Add them up. It comes to exactly 343, or 73. But it doesn’t stop there, Sevens in various codes continue throughout the Bible. No other book does this.

Please note that Bible numerics work best using the King James Version, but I often prefer other versions for clarity or insight.
(I do not endorse any organisation behind any of the videos I post here!)

Be sure to watch the video above. It’s vital you understand that these proofs of seven in the Bible are real, and more than just a curiosity. They are a gateway into taking the Bible, and the other proofs I’ve presented here, seriously!

Besides being God’s signature, seven also stands for completeness. Here’s another 7 example.

Throughout the Bible it says ‘fallen’ in relation to Babylon. I researched how many times in the whole Bible, and found:
Isa 21:9 = 2 times
Jer 51:8 = 1 time
Rev 14:8 = 2 times
Rev 18:2 = 2 times
The total for Babylon being completely fallen is… 7 times.

Ron Wyatt’s discoveries

Many of Ron’s discoveries stand alone, as PROOF of the Bible.They should have been front-page news worldwide, but the information has been suppressed, twisted, and lied about, and many have been misled over their veracity.

Many of the things Ron discovered, such as how the pyramids were built, are easily proved.

Here’s a short video showing evidence of Pharaoh’s chariots strewn across one particular area of the Red Sea, proving that the Red Sea crossing the Bible describes, did actually happen:

The stories in the Bible are not myths, and Truth IS stranger than fiction.

This next video is long, but if you’re genuine about finding and holding on to provable truth, knowing that it will change your life, you will watch it. If you don’t have time now, bookmark it, and come back later.

Around 4,000 years ago God reigned fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. The evidence is still there. It consists of right angled buildings and roads. now turned to ash and balls of sulphur!

Although the commentator in the above video greatly misunderstands several things (such as burning in hell forever, which is one of numerous incorrect Catholic doctrines [Satan’s real fate is annihilation Ezek 28:18 & 19), he does get the main lesson correct! It also includes some spectacular photography of the region.

Additional photos sourced from: and and

Ron Wyatt made many Biblical proof discoveries. They are mostly provable for those who are honest and unbiased . However, the most important is still surrounded by controversy and remains unverified!

The most important discovery Ron made was the location of the Ark of the Covenant.

Final proof will be given according to God’s timing, not ours. 1 Timothy confirms this: “Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” (Chapter 2 verse 6 KJV)

When it’s proven, the Ark of the Covenant discovery will become a sensation.

This video explains more:

The most sacred object of the Tabernacle – the Ark of the Covenant – was anointed with Jesus’ blood. ***

The movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is typical Hollywood misdirection that hides what I believe to be the actual history.

The prophet Jeremiah, a contemporary of Daniel, hid the Ark, very roughly, about 600 years before Jesus’ sacrifice.

Under God’s inspiration, he left the Ark in one of the caves within Jeremiah’s Grotto. God made sure the final hiding place of the ark was located exactly underneath where the future crucifixion of Jesus would occur.

At the crucifixion, when there was an earthquake (Matt 27:51), and the rocks were split (same verse), Jesus’ blood flowed from the cross above, through the crack in the rocks, onto the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant!

This also gives greater depth of meaning to Genesis 4:11. Here, the ground opened up to receive Abel’s blood after Cain slew him. When Jesus was speared in the side at the cross (John 19:34) the ground also opened up to receive Jesus’ blood (Matt 27:51), which links the first murder to Jesus’ atonement for it.

For more details on Ron’s discoveries, check out these additional websites: (Kevin Fisher) (Mary Nell Wyatt)  (Val Smith) 
(Darren Sherwell)  (R.T. Tourniaire) (John Larsen) (Todd Fink) (also Rebecca Tourniaire)

And worth reading:
Ark of the Covenant
– the 5 Star reviewed book by Jonathan Gray

I’ve included this information because some will recognise truth in it, while others will remain blind to it.

New Testament Proof

Did you know that the first ten names of everyone in Genesis Chapter 5 of the Old Testament Bible contain a hidden prophecy about Jesus in the New Testament?

Check out this video for details.

Search YouTube for more detailed videos by Chuck Missler on this.

Although some things are doubtful, don’t let those things close your mind to crystal clear truth staring you directly in the face, begging you to embrace it.

Bible Proof in Fulfilled Prophecy

Prophecies written thousands of years ago have come true in the past, and are continuing to come true right now today!

For example, did you know that 2000 years ago Jesus forecast that we would have worldwide lockdowns just before His return?

Click here for details.



The first reference to “the most holy” place in the Bible explains that the most holy is where they were to keep the ark of the testimony /ark of the covenant (Exo 26:33). It’s my belief the new covenant between God and every true Christian is literally sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ on the mercy seat of the ark.

At least 10 places in the Bible talk about objects being anointed, besides people, including the Ark in Exo 30:26.

Lev 16:14-15, where blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat, was a shadow or type of that which Jesus literally fulfilled on the cross Heb 12:24, as the antitype of all blood sacrifices made up until that moment.

Here’s another search you can try out for yourself, using the MySword software:

I understand this website may be a little quirky, but I want to broaden your thinking. Please follow the links to understand where we are now in Bible prophecy, and how this will effect you in the future.

Someone Is Trying To Kill You, Bill Jones!

Browsing through some old files on my computer, I came across the following story. It’s so good that I’d like to share it here…

On the morning of his 42nd birthday, Bill Jones awoke to a ball of thunder. Glancing out the window he saw written in fiery letters across the sky:


With shaking hands, Bill lit his first cigarette of the day.

He didn’t question the message. His only question was “Who?”

Watch my video for the rest of the story…

Original author unknown

Wake Up to the Deceptions of Science (Falsely so-called)

Classic evolution theory would have you believe that millions of years of gradual development of eggs eventually produced a chicken. Or is it the other way around?

If you don’t know which came first, the chicken or the egg, you’ve been fooled!

It should be obvious to anyone that this could never have actually happened. Birds, and eggs, had to get it right the very first time they evolved— On the very first try — on the first go.

If it didn’t work out perfectly the first time, then the bird race would have died out.

They would not have survived more than one generation if you had partly formed chickens or birds trying to hatch out of partly formed non-functional eggs.

The very first time it happened, if an egg didn’t produce a fully functioning creature capable of laying perfect eggs from then on, the whole evolutionary process would have stalled. It would have ground to a halt. It would not have, and could not have continued.

Evolutionists might answer this by claiming I am trivialising the issue, and over simplifying a complicated process.

I agree.

So, in order to make my point clearer, let’s talk about something more complicated:


Instead of two stages, butterflies go through four stages in their life cycle.

1) egg
2) caterpillar
3) chrysalis
4) adult butterfly

How did the first butterflies develop these stages?

In order to survive, butterflies had to get this formula right on the very first go, or else they would not have survived. There wouldn’t be any butterflies at all, if they couldn’t do it right the very first time.

Think it through.

When a caterpillar turns to mush inside a chrysalis, how come a butterfly pops out afterwards? Why doesn’t a grasshopper pop out instead? Or maybe a cockroach?

Plus here’s a real problem for evolution. Because BUTTERFLIES don’t mate with CATERPILLARS, but mate with other BUTTERFLIES, the female butterfly must first find a male butterfly in order to mate and then lay eggs. So at least TWO caterpillars had to evolve into COMPLETED butterflies at the same time for this process to work.

Starting from scratch (because of the cycle of reproduction problem, it can’t have been over millions of years, but about the same time) , BOTH had to

  • start as mysteriously mutated eggs,
  • hatch into caterpillars,
  • each make a chrysalis, and then
  • magically come out as reproductively viable butterflies.
  • One had to come out with the fully completed abilities of a male, and the other had to come out with the fully completed and functioning abilities of a female, able to pass the same genes to her offspring from then on!

Their average life cycle may be a few weeks, or in some cases a few months, so if this reproduction didn’t happen correctly on the very first try for BOTH PAIR, AT AROUND THE SAME TIME, then the whole process of butterfly continuation and survival could not have occurred in the first place.

If it didn’t happen with the whole cycle perfected for both male and female on the first try, please explain how they gradually evolved with only partially formed abilities for reproduction.

That’s so important, I’m going to say it again:

Please explain how they g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y evolved with only partially formed abilities for reproduction.

I want to repeat this a third time, because the possibility or impossibility of any evolution of butterflies hinges on this point:

Please explain how they gradually evolved with only partially formed, and therefore NON-FUNCTIONING, abilities for reproduction.

You can’t explain it because it didn’t happen.

Think this through. After mating, the female has to have, within its makeup, the ability to lay eggs that contain the blueprint for the whole cycle to repeat all over again.

Realise that if it didn’t happen perfectly with at least two butterflies of the opposite sex evolving at the same time the very first time, with both containing a blueprint within them for the next generation of butterflies to continue – if this didn’t happen they would NOT have kept on keeping on.

At this point, if you don’t fully get this, you're not far from believing in magic.
A butterfly cannot come into existence without the previous stages, going back to eggs. Nor can the eggs develop into future stages over a long period because A COMPLETE CYCLE MUST BE PRESENT TO PRODUCE THE NEXT GENERATION. 
Without all stages there can be no future eggs. 
- Eggs don't mate in order to reproduce. 
- Caterpillars don't mate in order to reproduce. 
- Chrysalis don't mate in order to reproduce.
  Only the butterfly mates in order to reproduce. 
Any two butterflies ready for reproduction cannot have developed up to this stage in a single generation because the amount of mutation needed to go from egg to butterfly in a single generation is impossible. Progressive stages of evolution would require a complete reproductive cycle, but the gap between egg to butterfly does not allow for progressive evolution. Remember
- Eggs don't mate. 
- Caterpillars don't mate. 
- Chrysalis don't mate. 
  Only the end product - the butterfly, does. So how did TWO individual butterflies get to the last stage without going through the previous stages, and then mate? 
How did they achieve it in only one generation? 
either butterflies don't exist, or they were created without evolution.

There are many other flaws in the evolution fairy tale.

For instance, evolution lacks any example of one animal kind ever having evolved into another animal kind. There are no missing links. Claimed missing links are merely speculation, and others, like Piltdown man and Archaeorapto, are proven fraud. Also radiometric dating is false science. See this offsite link.

Or how about irreducible complexity? That puts a spanner in the works for evolution, because accidental incremental evolution makes no sense, as thousands of successive small modifications of very complicated biological systems would have no purpose without an advanced design in mind in the first place, and less complicated systems could not function!

Which came first, the heart, or blood vessels?

How could either one of these, without the other, possibly evolve?

Animals need a heart, or they don’t.

A half-evolved heart won’t do the job at all!

If you’ve ever glued together a model aeroplane, or screwed together a garden shed, or assembled any Ikea furniture, you know it’s impossible for those things to just come together by themselves. How much more impossible for the whole universe to assemble itself?

COMPLEX human or animal abilities like eyesight or reproduction could never have gradually evolved by chance.

Did a blind organism just somehow know in advance that if it kept adding certain eyesight components to its body, thousands of years later it would eventually develop eyes and see?

This is nonsense!

Evolution theory is a faith based religion for people trying to run away from God.

You really only need to disprove one thing 100% (as I’ve done with butterflies) and the whole evolution ‘house of cards’ collapses.

You’ve been fooled!

Are the scales of deception beginning to fall from your eyes?

Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ THEORY of evolution is not true. It never has been true.

The theory of evolution is for mental caterpillars.

It’s time to grow up! Why be a mental caterpillar? Why not grow up, transform your thinking, and learn to fly instead?

How great a genius would you be if YOU created everything? Now, how impossible is it for NOTHING to create everything?

Do you really want to know the answer to the “which came first, chicken or egg” question?

The Bible tells you by implication which came first. It was the chicken.

The chicken came first, fully formed with a well designed reproductive system already built into it. God also created a fully formed man first, not an embryo first. God created all creatures fully formed to start with, using this same principle, including birds, chickens and butterflies.

By the way, the same people who believe in evolution have found that eggs can’t be produced without the protein ovocledidin-17 in the chickens’ ovaries, which also shows chickens came first, and they cannot have evolved!

Here’s a poem I wrote several years ago. Even though you may not like poetry, check it out!

Tiny Wing

How pretty, is a butterfly
On pastel powder wings,
It flutters through the scented air
Unlike lower mortal things

How beautiful, a butterfly
It doesn’t have to wait,
It flutters past oblivious
To worry fear and hate

How perfect, is a butterfly
Such a lovely, wondrous thing!
What a complex marvel of creation
In just one tiny wing

How transient, a butterfly
Painted flower on the breeze,
It flutters past unnoticed
It dies, and no one sees.

–Rob Binnion

Now that together, using irrefutable logic, you and I have disproved the theory of evolution, the next step is to prove that the Bible is TRUE!

I do that on this next page: CLICK HERE.

Chicken photo by Pixaboy from Pexels

These Quotes May Work For You, Even When Your Coffee Doesn’t!

I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I do. Drink them in. If any of them revive you, stir you to action, or motivate you, then reading this will be worth it.

As I begin writing this article, I don’t know how it will turn out, but…
You can’t expect to hit the jackpot if you don’t put a few nickels in the machine — Flip Wilson

I’ll see if I can apply the advice from each quote as I write this article. So far, I’ve written a few sentences and it’s just like putting nickels in the machine.

So now, I simply need to keep on going!

All things come to him who goes after them — Unknown

Hey, writing this article is easier than I thought!

“But what about scary obstacles” I hear you cry. Well, no worries.

These quotes have it covered:

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be removed — Samuel Johnson

A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for — William G. T. Shedd

Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to fly in — Confucius, I think. (If it’s Chinese, this saying adds context to the junk pictured above.)

Those who know how to think need no teachers – Mahatma Gandhi

The future depends on what you do today – Mahatma Gandhi

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of breadMahatma Gandhi

One of my favourite quotes actually rides on top of another quote from Isaac Newton, who said:

If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants

Here’s the corollary:

If I have NOT seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on MY shoulders

— Hal Abelson

So, what to do? Forget the Giants! Boldly go where no man has gone before.


That’s a Star Trek quote I actually didn’t mean to include here.

Consider it a bonus!

These are in no particular order.

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. – Mark Twain (i.e. Samuel Clemens)

Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’re still high. For those who are truly committed to a vision, the dream is never over — Steven K. Scott

There are no mistakes, just happy little accidentsBob Ross

Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats — Howard Aiken

Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again — James R. Cook

A Vietnamese proverb says “So long as a man has not his head cut off, nothing is definitely lost for him!”

“I’m stuck here in a cycle and I am getting older but I am not growing up and my heart is getting soft dark spots on it like a fruit that has gone bad or is soft because too many hands have squeezed it but then put it back down not because I am not ready but because they were not ready for my type of fruity flesh.” – Jenny Slate

“If you never bump into the devil, it’s because you’re going in the same direction.” – Andrew Wommack

Those who chase two rabbits at the same time catch none.

This one really resonated with me. Sometimes you just have to do whatever you have to do, but…

When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home — Betty Bender

Nevertheless, never give up hope:

In the hour of adversity be not without hope, for crystal rain falls from black clouds — Namibia

Every action has an equal and opposite criticism. (Ignore it.) – Unknown

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning — The Bible, Lamentations 3:22,23

The worshippers of false gods have given up their only hope. — The Bible, Jonah 2:8, BBE version.

(It’s me in the photo, not James Dean.)

I’ll stop here, although perhaps I should include one more:

Most people do ALMOST enough to win — A. L. Williams

All right, perhaps a couple more?

The beautiful part of a good idea is that it’s self-financing. A good idea must give you leverage on your time, your efforts, or your money — Joe Karbo

I’ve saved the best one for last:

Guys are lucky because they get to grow mustaches. I wish I could. It’s like having a little pet for your face. — Anita Wiseman


How to cope with difficulty.

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