The above image of Middle Eastern geography, called The Bowing King, IS fanciful, and many people have highly questionable ideas and opinions about Christ and the Bible that are hard to prove.
But does that do away with all solid evidence proving the Bible as a whole IS TRUE?
The problem is people’s attitude. This is illustrated well by Michael Rood in the video below. When you watch it, go to the 9 minute mark, and play from there to see this. I can’t say it better myself.
Michael Rood may be wrong on a few issues, but NOT This One! I’ve used this video because he tells a good story here. Let truth be your guide, and only truth. It doesn’t matter what other people think, fanciful or otherwise…
There are really only two choices. Either everything was created and DESIGNED by God, who had NO beginning, or everything came from nothing!
WE DID NOT EVOLVE, PERIOD! …Read my article here.
The laws of the universe prove this.
The laws themselves didn’t just explode from a single particle. Original thermodynamic energy came from God, who is not a physical being, and cannot be understood in physical terms. God had NO BEGINNING. (Psalm 93:2) Your throne has been established since time immemorial; you are king from eternity [ISV], [-from everlasting. [KJV])
There are many different ways to prove the Bible.
Here are some of them.
Mathematical Proof
The complexities of the very first verse of the Bible are probably more than you have realised. Watch this to see what I mean.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
This first verse is talking about a being who existed before everything else we know existed. And the verse itself is beyond human abilities to match. In the Hebrew this verse has seven words that consist of 28 letters. But within that sentence there are at least 30 patterns of seven. Watch the video above for some examples, and also check to verify the Hebrew numbering that is charted.
The Bible says God declares the end from the beginning, Isa 46:10. The 28 letters in this first verse are the first hint in the Bible that Jesus will most likely return in 2028. (You will read more about 2028 here, plus I’ve another ‘hint’ section below.)
‘God has numbered many works and thoughts‘
I found a matching verse when I did a search, using the exact words above, in my MySword phone app. Their free download page is here.
For fun, I also searched “the number of the Lord is seven” and I found a verse to match.
Then I searched “the number is seven” and found seven verses in the entire Bible!
A screenshot of the verses that would fit on my phone is below.
I was just having fun, and it doesn’t prove anything really. But, how about searching for what is the number of everything contained in a King James Bible?
The 1 hour and 52 minute video below does this, and the result comes to exactly 7x7x7x7x7x7x7, or seven to the power of seven.
How many other documents just happen to total 7 to the power of 7, exactly or even approximately?
The Bible is a supernatural book, full of SEVENS…
In the creation account, in Genesis Chapter 1, God spoke a total of 343 words.
That’s 7×7×7 words, or 7 to the power of 3.
In the Bible, 3 symbolizes that which is REAL (if you need to research more, you can look up Bullinger’s ‘Number in Scripture’, and go to the chapter for number 3 here.)
In the first chapter there are explanatory sentences to give context to the words God spoke. But count up the number of words that God Himself actually spoke:
Genesis 1:3 = 4 words in KJV “Let there be light“
Genesis 1:6 = 20 words in KJV “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters“
Genesis 1:9 = 18 words in KJV “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear“
Genesis 1:11 = 27 words in KJV “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth“
Genesis 1:14-15 = 49 words in KJV “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth“
Genesis 1:20 = 26 words in KJV “Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven“
Genesis 1:22 = 18 words in KJV “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth“
Genesis 1:24 = 23 words in KJV “Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind“
Genesis 1:26 = 47 words in KJV “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth“
Genesis 1:28 = 37 words in KJV “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth“
Genesis 1:29-30 = 74 words in KJV “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat“
Add them up. It comes to 343, or 73. But it doesn’t stop there, Sevens in various codes continue throughout the Bible. No other book does this.
Please note that Bible numerics work best using the King James Version, but I often prefer other versions for clarity or insight.
Besides being God’s signature, seven also stands for completeness. Here’s another 7 example.
Throughout the Bible it says ‘fallen’ in relation to Babylon. I researched how many times in the whole Bible, and found:
Isa 21:9 = 2 times
Jer 51:8 = 1 time
Rev 14:8 = 2 times
Rev 18:2 = 2 times
The total for Babylon being completely fallen is… 7 times.
SIDE NOTE – this section is not germaine to any proof of the Bible by itself. If you don’t have unlimited time, you can ignore this box, and skip beneath to the next section, to continue with the main subject! This bit is only included as a peripheral side note!
Did you know that some math numbers meet Biblical indications about when the Messiah (Jesus) will return?
You can see this in perfect numbers.
In playing with perfect numbers I also see the creation of physical man, the creation of spiritual man, completion, plus eternity. Here’s how:
In maths, ‘perfect‘ numbers are all the numbers that equal the sum of their factors, excluding the number itself. Take 6 for example. 6 can be divided by 1, by 2, and by 3, and 1+2+3=6. Not many other numbers are perfect. For example 4 can be divided exactly by 1 and by 2, but 1+2 is 3, that’s all. 1+2 doesn’t add to 4, so because all of it’s factors don’t add to 4, it’s not a perfect number.
There are only 51 perfect numbers in total that have ever been found, counting into the multiple trillions! The second perfect number is 28. The third is 496.
So far as I can tell, after #6, all the other remaining 50 perfect numbers reduce to 1 when each digit is added up.
Eg. 28 is 2+8=10 and 1+0 =1. In the next number, 496, 4+9+6=19 and 1+9=10 and 1+0=1.
I believe these other fifty perfect numbers hint at Biblical Jubilees, which were meant to proclaim liberty throughout the land. From my observation, after 6, representing the 6 days of creation, and also representing 6000 years (approx. counting from the creation of Adam) of God’s complete 7000 year week, there are 50 perfect numbers.
Fifty is synonymous with Biblical Jubilees. We reach a thousand year rest at Christ’s return. After that comes the ultimate Jubilee, when we pass into eternity.
It’s interesting to note that after 6 there remain only 50 perfect numbers, and then it seems there are no more for a count into eternity!
Can you see the connection with these numbers and God’s master plan for creation?
In the Bible, after day 6 (which is also the first perfect number) you enter the Sabbath, day 7, God’s rest day.
Question: When will the corresponding seventh thousand year rest, that comes after 6000 years, begin? It’s hinted at in the next perfect number: 28.
Do these perfect numbers, which are intrinsically built into the laws of creation, contain another hint that Jesus may return in 20…28?
One more thing. It may appear crazy to say perfect numbers fit into the biblical timeline. But here’s another match.
I think it’s a good fit.
So just to repeat, the first three perfect numbers are 6, 28, and 496.
The first Adam was created on day 6 (6 is the number for man – see Bullinger), and it’s also the first perfect number.
The second Adam (Christ) is coded within 28, being a multiple of God’s signature number 7, by 4. According to Bullinger 4 is the number signifying creation. And Christ, being our new creation as per 2 Cor 5:17, came 4000 years later on the 4th Biblical “thousand year day” which equals the second perfect number: 28. 4×7=28. It’s almost certain that Jesus was crucified on April 28, 28 AD. (Offsite verification here.)
Both man and Christ or God come together at the end of day # 6 in God’s 7 thousand year plan of creation for mankind, to be completed after 70 Jubilee counts of 49 consecutive years each (7×7=49) not 50! It’s encoded in the third perfect number, 496. I’ve explained the Jubilee count elsewhere.
Ron Wyatt’s discoveries
Many of Ron’s discoveries stand alone, as PROOF of the Bible. They should have been front-page news worldwide, but the information has been suppressed, twisted, and lied about, and many have been misled over their veracity.
Many of the things Ron discovered, such as how the pyramids were built, are easily proved.
Here’s a short video showing evidence of Pharaoh’s chariots strewn across one particular area of the Red Sea, proving that the Red Sea crossing the Bible describes, did actually happen:
The stories in the Bible are not myths, and Truth IS stranger than fiction.
This next video is long, but if you’re genuine about finding and holding on to provable truth, knowing that it will change your life, you will watch it. If you don’t have time now, bookmark it, and come back later.
Around 4,000 years ago God reigned fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. The evidence is still there. It consists of right angled buildings and roads. now turned to ash and balls of sulphur!
Although the commentator in the above video greatly misunderstands several things (such as burning in hell forever, which is one of numerous incorrect Catholic doctrines [Satan’s real fate is annihilation Ezek 28:18 & 19), he does get the main lesson correct! It also includes some spectacular photography of the region.
Additional photos sourced from: and and
Ron Wyatt made many Biblical proof discoveries. They are mostly provable for those who are honest and unbiased . However, the most important is still surrounded by controversy and remains unverified!
The most important discovery Ron made was the location of the Ark of the Covenant.
Final proof will be given according to God’s timing, not ours. 1 Timothy confirms this: “Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” (Chapter 2 verse 6 KJV)
When it’s proven, the Ark of the Covenant discovery will become a sensation.
This video explains more:
The most sacred object of the Tabernacle – the Ark of the Covenant – was anointed with Jesus’ blood. ***
The movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is typical Hollywood misdirection that hides what I believe to be the actual history.
The prophet Jeremiah, a contemporary of Daniel, hid the Ark, very roughly, about 600 years before Jesus’ sacrifice.
Under God’s inspiration, he left the Ark in one of the caves within Jeremiah’s Grotto. God made sure the final hiding place of the ark was located exactly underneath where the future crucifixion of Jesus would occur.
At the crucifixion, when there was an earthquake (Matt 27:51), and the rocks were split (same verse), Jesus’ blood flowed from the cross above, through the crack in the rocks, onto the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant!
This also gives greater depth of meaning to Genesis 4:11. Here, the ground opened up to receive Abel’s blood after Cain slew him. When Jesus was speared in the side at the cross (John 19:34) the ground also opened up to receive Jesus’ blood (Matt 27:51), which links the first murder to Jesus’ atonement for it.
For more details on Ron’s discoveries, check out these additional websites: (Kevin Fisher) (Mary Nell Wyatt) (Val Smith) (Darren Sherwell) (R.T. Tourniaire) (John Larsen) (Todd Fink) (also Rebecca Tourniaire)
And worth reading:
Ark of the Covenant – the 5 Star reviewed book by Jonathan Gray
I’ve included this information because some will recognise truth in it, while others will remain blind to it.
New Testament Proof
Did you know that the first ten names of everyone in Genesis Chapter 5 of the Old Testament Bible contain a hidden prophecy about Jesus in the New Testament?
Check out this video for details.
Search YouTube for more detailed videos by Chuck Missler on this.
Although some things are doubtful, don’t let those things close your mind to crystal clear truth staring you directly in the face, begging you to embrace it.
Bible Proof in Fulfilled Prophecy
Prophecies written thousands of years ago have come true in the past, and are continuing to come true right now today!
For example, did you know that 2000 years ago Jesus forecast that we would have worldwide lockdowns just before His return?
Click here for details.
The first reference to “the most holy” place in the Bible explains that the most holy is where they were to keep the ark of the testimony /ark of the covenant (Exo 26:33). It’s my belief the new covenant between God and every true Christian is literally sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ on the mercy seat of the ark.
At least 10 places in the Bible talk about objects being anointed, besides people, including the Ark in Exo 30:26.
Lev 16:14-15, where blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat, was a shadow or type of that which Jesus literally fulfilled on the cross Heb 12:24, as the antitype of all blood sacrifices made up until that moment.
Here’s another search you can try out for yourself, using the MySword software:
I understand this website may be a little quirky, but I want to broaden your thinking. Please follow the links to understand where we are now in Bible prophecy, and how this will effect you in the future.
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